Open response (1) to Mr. Khizr Khan

Sincere condolences on the death of your beloved brave son, and echoes of the sincere gratitude that the USA offered before, during, and after his military burial.

In projecting on to myself the question-accusation you directed at Mr. Trump, I have spent the last days introspecting about whether or not I ever have sacrificed–not for “this” country or for “my” country– but for “our” country.

Since my answer is lengthy and I don’t have a national televised platform from which to share my heartfelt response, I will share it as multiple Tweet attachments, starting with this introductory one.

Thank you for arousing in me an introspection concerning whether I have made any sacrifices for our country.  Thank you, too, for arousing in me a need to recognize and to appreciate the sacrifices made by my fellow Americans.

God bless you. May your son rest in peace.

Barbara Krawiec

About bakrawiec

Grateful 2 God 4 His continued blessings. Honored 2 have DJT as our POTUS 2 #MAGA. #ProLife, US Constitution. Definitely #StandWithIsrael Pl. #Pray4DJT every day! Share prayers and memes at #Pray4DJT
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