Open response (2) to Mr. Khizr Khan

Day in, day out, God-fearing, law abiding American men and women  care for their families and their neighbors, going about doing good in big and little ways that don’t necessarily make headlines, or earn accolades.

Nonetheless, being a responsible, productive adult day in and day out demands a sacrifice, a dying to oneself for the good of the other.

In that context, then, I respectfully submit that each day that I have lived to exercise and to fulfill my freedoms and responsibilities under the US Constitution, I have necessarily sacrificed some measure of personal desire, inasmuch as freedom is not a license for unlawful self-indulgence.

It is the routine, daily sacrifices for family and neighbors, I submit, made by “we, the people” who determine what kind of sacrificial country the USA has been and will continue to be.

God bless you.

Barbara Krawiec

About bakrawiec

Grateful 2 God 4 His continued blessings. Honored 2 have DJT as our POTUS 2 #MAGA. #ProLife, US Constitution. Definitely #StandWithIsrael Pl. #Pray4DJT every day! Share prayers and memes at #Pray4DJT
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